E.ON Drive Infrastructure CZ s.r.o. specializes in the construction and operation of publicly available charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Our goal is to enable convenient, fast and affordable charging for all EV drivers.  As part of our vision for cleaner and more sustainable mobility, we focus on developing a modern and efficient charging network. We are part of the E.ON Group, one of the largest energy companies in Europe. With our own testing laboratory and partnerships with various premium manufacturers, we are at the forefront of selecting, installing and operating fast charging technology.

We have installed 3 high-performance charging stations at the Orlice Park shopping centre, offering a total of 6 charging points and 6 dedicated parking spaces. Each station has a capacity of up to 300 kW, which means you can charge your electric car in minutes. Free parking during the charging period is a matter of course.

Anyone can charge at all our stations, unless you are a registered E.ON Drive customer or have another compatible charging chip/card, simply scan the QR code located at each station and pay simply via your mobile phone.

Join the future of electric mobility with E.ON Drive Infrastructure and enjoy easy and affordable charging.

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